Fall Ball is a weekend tournament for both Baseball and Softball ages 8 through 18. We follow USSSA rules as closely as possible.
Games are played on Saturday and Sunday starting at 7:30am (depending on the number of teams).
Games will be played at the Lacey Sports Park in Oskaloosa on:
- August 26th and 27th
- September 9th and 10th
- September 16th and 17th
- September 23rd and 24th
Please choose from our options below:
- Baseball or Softball
- Age bracket - if there are too few teams in one age bracket that sign up, we will contact you about playing up or down
- Preferred day of play - we will do our best to accommodate scheduling but it is not guaranteed
If you are registering multiple teams, you will be required to fill this information out for each team.
*You are required to turn in a team roster and waiver for all members of the team. Roster must include the full name for all players and coaches and birthdates for players.
The waiver is located on our website